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  WELL2759 JASCO J-810 HTCD (HighThrough-Put Circular Dichroism) Spectrometer For Sale

JASCO developed the high-throughput CD measurement system combing autosampler, syringe pump and flow cell unit with the J- 810. This system can accommodate dual 96 well plates (up to 192 samples) while keeping sample temperature constant. Software control allows samples to be recovered after measurement without waste for further analysis. The system shown can repeat a pre-determined measurement sequence such as: Suction - measurement - recover - wash - blank measurement. By using the Macro command program, the system allows automated scanning measurement at pre-determined parameters and/or temperature ramping measurement by using a Peltier thermostatted flow cell. In addition to CD, absorbance, scattering and fluorescence can be simultaneously measured.

 Sale Price: RQ 

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