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  WELL2762 Applied Biosystems, PE- ABI 433A PEPTIDE SYNTHESIZER

State-of-the-art 433 Pep/Syn system features that provide improved throughput, efficiency and functionality. For example, you can choose between Fmoc- and tBoc-based methods. The system's unique feedback monitoring system increases through-put with more efficient synthesis of simple peptides. Complex peptides are synthesized with minimal trial-and-error and reagent waste. The SynthAssist software and a computer included with the system provides the power to take full advantage of the innovative feedback control technology. Key Features • Performs Fmoc or tBoc Chemistries for flexibility in deprotection strategy. • Flexibility allows the use of any activation strategy • Intelligent feedback monitoring offers basic monitoring for simple time extensions or conditional monitoring for a wide variety of synthesis options. • Wide range of pre-programmed synthesis scales with monitoring (0.1 –1.0 mmole) allows flexibility in synthesis scale. • SynthAssist Software (Mac platform) includes sequence editor with customizable dictionary. Original ABI 433A Includes: • Core-2 PC That contains;
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 Sale Price: RQ 

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